Monday, January 28, 2013

Day 23 - 27 as a Pescetarian

It's snowwiiinnnnggg!! 

Well, it was while I was on my way to and from the market.  Looks like that's all we're going to get here in NY, for today.

Hope everyone had a great weekend.  I went home to visit my family and had an absolute blast.  We got to catch up on things, cooked amazing food, played old school games, made 49ers T's for the Super Bowl this weekend, watched movies, had some good laughs (we always do) and drank plenty of wine.  

Yep, this past weekend was an exception to the rule - simply because my boyfriend is in Germany.  We decided we both could have a few drinks while he is away.  Being in Germany and not have a beer or two is just plain silly.  It might not be as good as Belgium beer but again, being there, you can't pass it up.  As for the rest of the month, there will be no presence of alcohol until Super Bowl Sunday! I guarantee it.

So I can't exactly remember what I ate Wednesday, Jan. 23rd but here's days 24 - 27.
*By now most of it seems redundant anyways =) 

Kind bar
Yogurt banana oatmeal mix

Was something quick - can't recall

Brown rice
Cauliflower and carrots 

Eggs with veggies

Left over salmon veggies

Homemade pizza 

Ship wrecked eggs
Home fries with leftover veggies

I didn't really eat Lunch.  Kind of snacked throughout the day while making my shirt.
Carrots and pickled cauliflower

Big salad with tons of veggies and tuna fish

Popcorn and a few pieces of a brownie. 

So my mom and sister found this FIT popcorn at Bed, Bath and Beyond.  How funny and creative were they in adding a 't', making it my own brand of popcorn.  I thought this was a very thoughtful of them.  

Oatmeal with banana and walnuts!

I made a huge bowl of guac for the family.  Pretty much snacked on this throughout the day.

Shrimp by Dad - he is famous for his amazing shrimp.
Side salad

Besides having a few glasses of wine, my eating was in check.  I also may have had a few too many chips with guac but can you blame me? Guac is absolutely delicious! I bought more avocados today, lol.

Have a great Monday!

- Theresa

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